aaaarrrgghh akhirnye bole gak aku tulis kat blog neh.tunggu web ni muncul punyelah gile now,arina hawa baru comment kat fb suroh sabo.hahaha.hikmat la kate2 arina hawa neh.
okeeeh skang ni nak crite pasal what happened on friday the is the last day skolah aku host chess competition.yeaaah akhirnye bole duduk kat kantin balik.hahaha.tapi sedih gak,x dapt skodeng bdk2 skolah laen.hehehe
suke saye maklum bahawe SMK BTS telah berjaye dapat no 3 in individuals and no 2 in teams(all girls meh).bangga oooo hahaha wlpon aku tak maen heheh.congrats to those who won yup
okeh agenda yg betol2 aku nak cite adalah pasal kawan aku(kpd member aku yg bace,sori kecoh tapi aku x leh halang diri aku drpd bercerita).mase tuh hampir kpd majlis penyampaian chess.aku dan member 4 Best aku diminta tolong ckg dzaini agkt sign
apebile dah slesai,,kawan aku(bkn fazira) tetibe menjerit cam org gile.aku pon join la.lepas dah menjerit tu aku tanye die like "ko ni asal" and she was like "aaaaaaaaaaahaaaaahhaaaaaaa"=.=
and i was like"whaaaaaaaaat???" and then kawan aku yg SORANG lagi tu pon crite kat aku:-
ketike mereke sdg mengangkat bende mendealah tu,tetibe seorang bdk cine yg seakan pelakon korea muncul dpn mate.i dont know what exactly happen,but the chineese like korean dude took my friend's hand and tulis e-mail die.and i was like OMGGGGGGG
crazy kan?sweet gile kan?hahaha aku lak excited heeee.dah la happen ON THE LAST DAY.macam luck kan?haha semoga berbahagia hahaha
for tomorrow lak ade pidato english kat UPM.yey,ade kak Farah comel:3
(hmm agaknye ade x bdk MTD?hahahahahahaXD)
haha, :)